Friday, January 14, 2011

A Little Joy for a Grey Day...

Today, in southern WI, it was very grey....the kind of grey that seeps into your bones, pulls your face down and starts to grab your soul (I know kind of dramatic but that's how it felt!)....but hey it's just can't have the grey blahs on Friday!! So I will focus on my joys for the day.

How cool are these colors!
I was so pleased to have some fun little things happen on a day like today-- (instant mini face lifts!) It's still cold and grey but these little things have helped me to make it through the day and more able to enjoy my evening! are the highlights:

1. It was Packer day at work so we could wear jeans and team gear....I just love wearing jeans, Ts and tennies to work...Go Pack! 

Had to share some flowers.

2. Someone brought in cupcakes to celebrate Packer day and a co-worker's last day with us. These cupcakes were the prettiest a little helping of spring. The frosting is what made them was the palest shade of pastel (did you notice the letters in pastel and palest are the same? curious..). The light colors paired against a deep dark chocolate was so joyous! (Hmmm maybe a scrumptious quilt) Not too pretty to eat though! Yummy!

3. Our co-worker who was moving on to another job brought me the most exciting Thank You note I've ever seen....a little Thank You flower....I just loved it and again thought....hmmm how to make this into a quilt!?!?! (scroll down to see it!)

4. My lunch provided a little joy as well, in the form of the book I'm reading. It's called A Girl Named Zippy by Haven Kimmel, just in the first few pages I was smiling and chuckling....can't wait to read more!

5. Lastly, (well hopefully not lastly - maybe there is chocolate in my future!?) anyways, I always find joy in putting on my Yoga pants, a lovely easy dinner and a nice glass of wine (yah, no actual Yoga tonight)!

Cheers everyone, may many joys come your way!!

OH I FORGOT:  Thanks to Peaceful Piecer for being my first follower!!! You brought me joy too!! Thanks!!!!

My "Go To" inexpensive but tasty wine,
Soy candle from local shop and
fresh flowers I bought for myself!!

Below is the sweet card I received today!


  1. That is the neatest thank you card! I love soy candles and a glass of cheap wine too.

  2. long as the cheap wine doesn't make headaches! Thanks again for reading!!! :)
