Miss Bear has more-or-less recovered from her PV syndrome(effected her balance and eyes) but because of that she had a spill during her morning walk. We called the Vet for advice and got her on some anti-inflammatories but she was still limping (like Lassie when she was playing injured), she was the saddest dog you ever did see!! So, to the Vet we went (now she was the maddest dog!!d)....the x-ray showed a broken foot, er...toe broken in 2 places!! (I have to interject that she has previously broken a toe 3 years ago on the other foot...here we go again!!) Well, they gave her a pain shot, wrapped her in orange bandages and sent us on our way....oh yeah they said don't get the bandages wet. I'm thinking.....have you not seen the snow and ice on the ground? How are we going to keep it dry when she goes outside?!?! I was afraid she would slip with a plastic bag and I thought she'd pull it off for sure. Voila'....how about Press-N-Seal...we wrapped her little foot, gently pressed it down and she is set to go! It's not too slippery either but it does make this smacking, suction kind of sound when she walks!
We love you Miss Bear :)
Miss Bear glad to be home! |
Once we got her all situated we loaded our car with donation items for Goodwill, trying to clean out our basement! I love going to thrift stores so as my hubby was dropping off I was checking out! Actually, I had all the right intentions....I'm trying to find the books for my Lit Chicks Book Club. Well, I couldn't exactly find those specific books but found several others that I've either been wanting to read or sounded too good to leave at the store!! So, after 3 thrift shops and one Half-Price Books, I had quite the load. Really though I couldn't pass up books for under $3...most of them were just $1!!!
Love that!!
Oh boy, I better get reading :o |
My hubby says I might need to clear some books off my book bench to make room.
That's another project!
Oh, did I mention I found some fabric too!! Some slices came from the thrift stores but the rest are fat quarters from a quilt shop....they are like candy, I can't just have one!!
(I guess I ate the whole bag so-to-speak, time to play!!)
Now, don't be thinking I'm dragging my hubby around against his will, he found his own treasures! Along with a really cool tie he found an Irish music book (perfect for an upcoming St. Patty's Day gig with his Dad), a kickin' Ralph Lauren sweater, some Columbia never-been-worn pants and much much more!!
A sad morning turned into a happy afternoon!
Yes, Miss Bear had a happy afternoon too...our neighbor brought her treats and of course she got lots of loving and she wasn't at the vet any longer!!
Sorry, couldn't spin the picture the right way..you get the picture though, right?!?
Ha -- just made myself laugh. |